Monday, October 21, 2013

Thoughts about Child Behavior Disorders

All young children can be naughty, defiant and impulsive from time to time, which is perfectly normal. However, some children have extremely difficult and challenging behaviors that are outside the norm for their age. The most common disruptive behavior disorders include oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These three behavioral disorders […]

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Disconnected Thoughts and Disconnected Life

Post traumatic stress is an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can make one feel like one is going crazy. It creates abnormal fears and thought patterns because of these fears. Generally, post traumatic stress occurs after a traumatic event in life. A traumatic event generally brings it out. That is where the name comes from. It could […]

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How different from your thoughts are your actions?

Do as I say not as I do go the saying. We feel and act to thoughts we breed. Mind finds ways to remain in equilibrium. Continually dissimilar mind and body gives rise to a lifestyle that unwrap the entrance to chronic sickness. Some people are utterly unaware of such conflicts. They don’t even know […]

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Humans prefer attractive faces over unattractive ones. Our preference for attractive faces exists from early infancy and is robust across age, gender and ethnicity. The quest to define facial beauty either by the size or shape of isolated facial features, for example, eyes or lips or by the spatial relations between facial features dates back to antiquity, when the Ancient Greeks believed beauty was represented by a golden ratio of 1:1.618. Although there is little support for the golden ratio, studies have shown that averaging a group of faces results in a synthetic face more attractive than any of the originals. Furthermore, a sufficiently large increase in the distance between the eyes and mouth of an individual face can make the face appear grotesque. Any individual’s facial attractiveness can be optimized when the spatial relations between facial features approximate those of the average face. However, no evidence to date has confirmed this suggestion.

Two types of alterations can be made to the spatial relations between facial features of any individual face. One may alter the vertical distance between the eyes and the mouth; this alteration results in a change in the ratio of this distance to the face length, which is measured by the distance between the hairline and the chin. The ratio is henceforth referred to as the length ratio. The other alteration is to change the horizontal distance between the pupils; this change alters the ratio between this distance and the face width, which is measured between the inner edges of the ears. This ratio is henceforth referred to as the width ratio.

Using a regression analysis to determine the exact relation between the attractiveness score and length ratio, it is found that facial attractiveness follows a curvilinear function with length ratio. Face with an average length ratio is rated as more attractive than faces with other length ratios. This is further supported by the finding that attractiveness scores for faces without an average length ratio were significantly less than the mean attractiveness score for the faces with an average length ratio.

When an optimally attractive state for an individual face in terms of both length and width ratios is examined, it is found that facial attractiveness follows a curvilinear function with the width ratio. When an individual face’s length ratio is already optimal, the optimal width ratio maximizing its attractiveness is 46. Attractiveness scores for faces without an average width ratio were significantly less than the mean attractiveness score for the faces with an average width ratio. Attractiveness scores for faces without an average length ratio were significantly less than the mean attractiveness score for the faces with an average length ratio indicating preference for an ideal length ratio is independent of the width ratio.

In each individual face, there exists an optimally attractive state in terms of both length and width ratios. When the face’s eye-to-mouth distance is 36 percent of the face length and interocular distance is 46 percent of the face width, the face reaches its optimal attractiveness given its unique facial features. Further, although the absolute level of attractiveness may vary with differences in facial features, the optimal length and width ratios remain constant. These optimal, golden ratios correspond with those of an average face. Critically, this preference for average ratios reflects a true preference for the average and not a regression toward the mean. These results may explain some basic daily observations, such as why some hairstyles can make an unattractive face appear more attractive or vice versa. Changing one’s hairstyle may alter the perceived face length or face width, as well as their related length and width ratios, therefore affecting the perceived attractiveness of the face.

Many experiments on attractiveness involve comparing faces that differ in both facial features and spatial relations, but the presence of features that vary in attractiveness could obscure any effect of variation in feature spatial relation on attractiveness. Also, prior research comparing an average face to individual faces failed to discover the ideal length and width ratios for any individual face because the averaging process tends to not only average the spatial relations between facial features but also smoothes the facial features and skin texture. This smoothing effect could artificially increase the attractiveness of the average face, obscuring the effect of average spatial relations on facial attractiveness.

Identifying the optimal length and width ratios for individual facial beauty have attracted a tremendous amount of pursuit, but yet eluded discovery for centuries. Furthermore, the present findings suggest that although different faces vary greatly in absolute attractiveness, for any particular face, there is an optimal spatial relation between facial features that will reveal its intrinsic beauty.

It should be noted that the optimal spatial relations found can also coexist with preferences for sexually dimorphic features. A woman who has large lips, suggesting a strong mating potential, with average length and width ratios will always be more attractive than a woman with narrow lips and average length and width ratios. It is unknown, however, whether the preference for average length and width ratios is stronger than the desire for a pronounced sexually dimorphic trait. In other words, a woman with large lips and unattractive length and width ratios may or may not be preferred to a woman with narrow lips and ideal length and width ratios. Future research is necessary to assess the nature of this trade-off.

By definition, eye-mouth-eye angle involves both horizontal and vertical components. The preference for an average length ratio is independent of the width ratio. Therefore, it is important to note that despite the similarity between the two measures, they may actually measure two very different aspects of the face. While eye-mouth-eye angle provides information on the spatial relations between internal facial features, it also assesses the relation between the internal features and the external facial contour. Since faces are perceived holistically, it is important to consider the facial elements in the context of the whole face. It is possible for the length and width ratios to vary, while eye-mouth-eye angle stays the same, and vice versa. In the context of the whole face length ratios and width ratios appear independent, but within the localized area of the eyes and mouth, there may be an interaction between length and width.

Why should we find a face with an average length and width ratio attractive? Two existing theories provide explanations at two different levels. At the evolutionary level, it has been suggested that humans prefer to reproduce with other healthy mates. Generations of healthy mate selection may act as an evolutionary averaging process. This process leads to the propagation of healthy individuals with physical characteristics, including faces that approximate the population average. As a result, we are biologically predisposed to find average faces attractive. At the cognitive level, it is well established that after exposure to a series of exemplars from one object category, we form a prototype, that is to say, an average for this category. One robust consequence of prototype formation is that we find the prototype more attractive than any individual category members because the prototype is easier to process. Due to this same cognitive averaging mechanism, the average face is perceived as more attractive than any individual face. It is suggested that while the two theories provide different levels of explanation, they may work together to account for our preferences for the optimal length and width ratios for facial beauty. The evolutionary process predisposes us to find average length and width ratios attractive. The cognitive process prescribes what the average length and width ratios are by averaging the ratios of individual faces we have encountered to date.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Understanding Life’s Purpose

Brain has three distinct processing modes, called serial, parallel and synchronous. Serial processing is associated with intelligence quotient functions in the left brain. Parallel processing is associated with emotional quotient functions in the right brain and synchronous processing is associated with spiritual quotient functions in the whole brain.

About 40Hz oscillations propagate across the whole brain synchronously, and are associated with conscious attention and the state of presence. By linking part-brain functions from both hemispheres; namely, intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient into the integrated field of the whole brain, 40Hz synchronous oscillations connect mind, self and world into a meaningful whole. Consequently, 40Hz oscillations constitute the neural basis for spiritual quotient.

Neuroscience confirms that spiritual intelligence is hard-wired. But spiritual quotient circuitry remains largely dormant and undeveloped unless it’s actually used. Random moments of spiritual quotient occur spontaneously, but not often enough to be useful. Therefore, it is important to know how to activate your spiritual quotient intentionally. This converts spiritual quotient from a random fleeting experience into most valuable personal resource.

The neural pathways are highly malleable. New pathways grow quickly in adult as well as infant brains. Neural pathways are strengthened by using them. For example, taxi drivers have an enlarged part of the brain that deals with direction-finding, and violin players have an enlarged brain area that deals with the left hand, but not with the right hand. This reflects the extra use required to control the left hand on the strings, compared to the right hand holding the bow. The use of spiritual quotient over time likewise evolves a brain optimized for spiritual quotient.

The spiritual brain is optimized neurologically for spiritual quotient. The default setting of attention in the spiritual quotient brain is at the subject pole, not the object pole. The spiritual quotient brain therefore replaces the ego with the soul, both as the governor of intelligence quotient and emotional quotient, and as the seat of personal identity. The spiritual quotient brain uses intelligence quotient and emotional quotient to express the qualities of the soul, which are experienced in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace.

Neuroscience has identified the particular type of brain processing that corresponds to spiritual experiences. The spiritual quotient paradigm combines neuroscientific evidence with findings from psychoanalysis and with evidence from cognitive and transpersonal psychology. The resulting inter-disciplinary synthesis reveals that spiritual experiences as detected neurologically are associated with a particular sense of self, distinct from the ego that corresponds with the traditional religious notion of the soul, in terms of qualities, capabilities, and self-identity. The spiritual quotient paradigm represents the neuro-psychology of the soul.

According to traditional religious beliefs, the incarnation of the soul is a supernatural event. But the spiritual quotient paradigm identifies the incarnation of the soul not as a supernatural event, but as a psycho-physical process, by means of which the brain is optimized neurologically for spiritual quotient, thereby shifting the seat of self-identity from ego to soul. Intentional use of spiritual quotient develops spiritual quotient brain circuitry, until the default setting of attention shifts from the object-pole to the subject-pole, thus replacing the ego with the soul, both as the seat of personal identity, and as the governor of intelligence quotient and emotional quotient. The spiritual quotient brain therefore represents the incarnation of the soul.

Human evolution is not primarily about modifying the shape of the human body, but evolving the brain to a higher level of functioning. Spiritual quotient represents the next level of functioning beyond intelligence quotient and emotional quotient. The spiritual quotient-optimized brain therefore represents the direction of human evolution. Consequently, human evolution is now under our conscious direction.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Human Nature

We should live in a world which belongs to our real inner self or original nature of human being. This world is bright and brilliant, where there is no dispute and we are not bothered by material concerns. It is pure and peaceful, enjoying leisure and not sorrowful; but we never try to act in response to this world, we never try to be a friend of Our Real Inner Self. The only thing we do day in and day out is to try and climb up socially. This is what is called; attending to the superficies and neglecting the essentials.

When our real inner self is led astray by human desires, and we all know that desires are bottomless; we all will not be able to do anything of our own free will, and we become the slaves of human desires. The power of temptation of human desire is brutal. Some people always try to attain their desires with nefarious tactics. The moment we have a thought like this, the moment we lose the chance to contact our real inner self, we are going to be gone far away from purifying our mind.

Our mind will not stop producing thoughts because of human desires. Therefore, our real inner self will be clouded by material desires forevermore, and our original nature will be contaminated forevermore also. Why does our mind always produce thoughts? According to the experienced people's idea; being greedy for everything, angry at everything, and not understanding the real truth is the most common evil ingredient in our mind. These evil ingredients poison mind strongly. That is the reason why our mind produces thoughts every minute of the day. What one is thinking of at any given moment is often evil thoughts. From this, we should understand that fighting these evil thoughts is the most important thing we are to do.

There are other ways to reduce thoughts in our mind. We have to try our level best to understand that all living things in the universe are equal; otherwise, we will have a special mind; which always looks at things from a dualistic perspective; for example, making a distinction between the good and the bad. All problems start here, such as forever pursuing our own ideas, always arguing, always hating, and always fighting and never stopping.

We should try to make our mind like Mother Earth, and be tolerant of other people's mistakes, or wrongdoing or weaknesses. Try to express solicitude for friends, enemies, good, and bad equally. Try not to dispute or discuss in minute detail gaining or losing. Try not to be moved by sad or delighted things. Try not to feel so pleased when people respect or praise us. Try not to hate or abhor when people slight us. When people show their beautiful virtues like helping others, we should show our respect and join in their actions, and we should try not to be jealous of other people's beautiful virtues. When we see people facing trouble, we should not gloat over their disaster.

The highest wisdom comes from a merciful heart, the merciful heart comes from solving people's problems without any conditions and helping people to get peace, calm, and sagacity without any conditions either. If we look at things or treat things unequally, from here, all the worry, trouble, and prejudice will be produced right away. Thus if we want to purify our mind, we have to learn to treat things with level-headedness.

Someday, when we realize that all the beings are equal and could be blended or mixed together, and become one in some way, we will understand what real truth is!

Friday, April 19, 2013

A mysterious question is whether a person is responsible for what he does or will everything depend upon fate or God? Religious scriptures offer one both the answers. They say person is responsible for what he does and has created a set of do’s and don’ts for them. Scriptures also states that a person who sins, goes to hell, and the person who does good deeds goes to heaven. Scriptures also say that we should surrender before God as whatever takes place in this world are the will of God and not a blade of grass moves without his will. Therefore, a person is not a doer nor responsible for his acts.

Scientifically, we find that a person is responsible for each and every action that he takes in life. We find that what we do is the will of nature or result of endless factors present within and outside of us. For an authentic comprehension, we first have to define who ‘I’ is in the body? Analyzing, we find that ‘I’ is the one experiencing all inputs from various sensory organs like eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, etc. and is the one that commands the body to perform various functions through hands, feet, mouth, etc., in addition to making all the decisions.

To know who is responsible for karma, we have to analyze ‘I’ more deeply. On analysis, we find that on one hand, we are the ‘I’ in this body and are responsible for each and every decision or action that we take. On the other hand, ‘I’ or our body consists of trillions of microbes without which it cannot survive, in addition to trillions of cells and endless factors both within and outside the body.

Every thought that enters our mind or decision that we take is a joint effort of all these endless number of organisms and factors both within and outside our body. So, we can conclude that on the one hand, we are fully responsible for each and every action that we take and on the other hand, we have nothing to do with anything, and everything depends upon our Fate or on God. So, if any person says that he is responsible for everything or he is not responsible for anything, then both ways, he is half correct and half wrong.

In other words, Karma and Fate are like two sides of the same coin and one cannot survive without an equal amount of other side. Whatever we do in life equally depends upon karma as well as our fate. The question is, once we decide that both Karma and Fate are equally responsible for all our actions, then how should we conduct ourselves, as no human being or life form can remain without work for even a moment in this world.

The answer is, we should conduct ourselves in a manner that is considered normal or acceptable by society at that given point of time without any expectation in return, and leave the results to Fate or God. By way of explanation, we should behave in a manner in which we expect our fellow human beings to behave with us and leave everything else upon Fate or God.

Karma means action. It is also the reaction that follows on an action. The process of compensation for any given feeling, thought or deed is completely automatic. Karma in its sense of law keeps the cosmos in balance and harmony. Life in cosmos is severely restricted on some planets more than others. Here, there are both physical and personal limitations on what you can do. Karma, however, is your unrestricted power of choice, and it makes sure that for every choice you make there will be just consequence. The law of karma is often expressed with this quote: "As you sow you shall reap". Good seeds produce good fruits, while evil seeds produce evil fruits. That said, karma does not concern itself with good or evil. It simply returns what has been given. To make it slightly more complicated, karma is only produced when pain is nourished and joy quelled. If instead joy is nourished and pain quelled no karma will be produced.

All karma must be experienced or resolved. Karma can be resolved through understanding. Karmic seeds understood as to their consequence as they are sown as well as to their result as fully developed fruits will be resolved. Unresolved karmic seeds will develop into karmic fruits providing experience equal to that sown. Karmic fruits understood as to their cause will bring evolution away from action.

When trying to move up the ladder of cosmic existence, you will be confronted with experiences trying to keep you down. Conversely, when falling down you will face experiences trying to move you back up. Only, if you insist on changing your position it will indeed be changed. After the change a new status quo will be established. Karma in the sense of reaction is different from fate in the way that fate involves your total experience, while karma is produced from action alone and not from creation or meditation.

Karma and Fate like other dualities such as life-death, good-evil, happiness-sorrow, night-day, cannot exist without an equal amount of the other. Rise above such dualities, and perform duties without desire or hatred, and attain ultimate peace and contentment in life.